Statue of Lincoln as a boy reading - Hodgenville, KY

Presidential Quotes – Education

The education level of our Presidents has varied very much, but what did the Presidents have to say about education itself.


[blockquote cite=”Lyndon Johnson”]Education is not a problem. Education is an opportunity.[/blockquote]
[blockquote cite=”George HW Bush”]The longer our graduation lines are today, the shorter our unemployment lines will be tomorrow. [/blockquote]
[blockquote cite=”Abraham Lincoln”]I do not think much of a man who is not wiser today that he was yesterday. [/blockquote]
[blockquote cite=”John Adams”]There are two educations. One should teach us how to make a living and the other how to live. [/blockquote]
[blockquote cite=”Franklin Roosevelt”]The school is the last expenditure upon which America should be willing to economize. [/blockquote]
[blockquote cite=”Woodrow Wilson”]I have long enjoyed the friendship and companionship of Republicans because I am by instinct a teacher and I would like to teach them something. (Wilson was a Democrat) [/blockquote]
[blockquote cite=”Barack Obama”]I think perhaps education doesn’t do us much good unless it is mixed with sweat. [/blockquote]
[blockquote cite=”Lyndon Johnson”]You aren’t learning anything when you’re talking. [/blockquote]
[blockquote cite=”Harry Truman”]I do not believe there is a problem in this country or the world which could not be settled if approached through the teaching of the Sermon on the Mount. [/blockquote]
[blockquote cite=”Chester Arthur”]I have not the advantage of a classical education, and no man should, in my judgment, accept a degree he cannot read. [/blockquote]
[blockquote cite=”Teddy Roosevelt”]A thorough knowledge of the Bible is worth more than a college education. [/blockquote]

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