Ronald Reagan funeral procession (Riderless horse with boot facing backwards) - Washington DC

Goodbyes are tough

The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you all. Amen.

Revelation 22:21 KJV

This past weekend our grandkids came to visit. Mimi’s (what they call my wife) eyes have a special twinkle and Pop (what they call me) pulls out his best version of the Tickle Monster when they come to visit. They laugh and cheer and everyone has a good time. Then, those dreaded words we really hate to hear from their parents: “It’s time to go.” We see the little heads popping up from the backseat and those tiny arms waving in the air. Yes, goodbyes are hard.

Life is full of those times when those special relationships come into our lives. They touch our heart strings and before you know it they reach an intersection. They take a right turn and we go straight. Sometimes we don’t know where or how it started, but the waving of their arms as they travel into the distance is hard.

Back on March 10, 2010 I started one such relationship. It is not because I have such a great memory that I remember that day, but because I wrote the day down. Pretty much every day since then this relationship had a daily contact between us. It took me through some rough times. It took me through some happy times. Sometimes our visits were short and other times our visits were longer. I was amazed by the comfort I received and embarrassed by the rebukes. But then came the hard part: the end. Although I will always have fond memories of our travels together, I’m really going to miss our time together. And with sadness in my heart I start out a new day in a different direction.

The goodbye came on Friday, November 22, 2013. After over 2200 pages I finished reading the Life Application Study Bible (the New Living Translation). Almost every morning during that period I spent a little time with her and my life is truly blessed by her visits. I take with me the wisdom she shared and the lessons she taught. Although I will probably never forget her, and she will still sit proudly on my shelf, it is a little sad that I will be moving on to a different version.

Almost everyone I know, who has an interest in history, has a favorite hero. Maybe they saved the day. Maybe they inspired them. Maybe they carried a confidence that was appealing. Maybe they drew out something in them that they never knew was there. Maybe they had a wisdom or vision that made us a better place. Whatever the reason, that person changed the world or at least their little part of it.

My historical hero is Ronald Reagan. I must admit he wasn’t my first choice for a hero when I remember him arriving on the scene. In fact, I don’t think he was my second or third choice either. I first remember him from the 1980 presidential election cycle. I was living in Maryland at the time. Maryland is a very democratic state and the republicans rarely pay much attention to her. Their primary, at that time, arrived very late. My first choice, Bob Dole, had dropped out by then. Then there were two other candidates I liked (and I must confess, I don’t remember who they are now) and they dropped out, too. By the time the Maryland primary rolled around I was to my fourth choice: Ronald Reagan.

To me, Ronald Reagan was such a different type of politician. Unlike today’s candidates, from either party, Reagan took a positive turn at our senses. He appealed to our patriotic side. He knew we had a great country and we just needed our spirits lifted to be reminded of that. And that is exactly what he did.

I remember when President Reagan died. Like so many others, I traveled up to Washington DC to see his funeral procession. I’m not one to tear up easily, but I couldn’t help myself when his casket went by. When it was all over the crowd of people, including myself, headed to the closest Metro (Washington’s subway system) station. I bet I had to wait for 20 trains before I finally got on one. The strange thing was, no one complained. It was like we were all sad together.

I had the honor of going to his Presidential Library in California. I remember going out to his grave. As I turned the corner my heart was beating like I was seeing an old friend again. Boy, do I miss Ronald Reagan!

When I started reading the Life Application Study Bible (New Living Translation) it seemed like a long way to page 2204, where Revelation 22:21 rested. But like any relationship it grows on you and when you go in a different direction there is a little sadness that resides in your heart for a little while. I know my next Bible will have the same effect on me, but today I’m just going to be a little reflective and admire its well worn cover.

Prayer: Father, Thank you so much for our grandkids. Thank you so much for Ronald Reagan and the impact he has had on me and so many others. But Father, even more I thank You for Your Holy Word: The Bible. As I was reading through it I felt like I was developing a friendship that would last a lifetime. Thank you for Your authorship. Amen.

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