Presidential Feather Collection (Tyler, Polk, Taylor) - Ripley's Museum, Williamsburg, Virginia

US Presidential Facts – List of day of the month which most Presidents were born

The world is full of lucky numbers. Which day of the month were most of the Presidents born?

Maybe you can use some of these Presidential birth days of the months for your lottery picks:

  • Twenty-ninth (29th) (4 Presidents born on the 29th day of a month) Tyler (March 29, 1790), A Johnson (December 29, 1808), McKinley (January 29, 1843), Kennedy (May 29, 1917)

  • Fourth (4th)  – (3 Presidents born on the 4th day of a month) Hayes (October 4, 1822), Coolidge (July 4, 1872), Obama (August 4, 1961)

  • Fourteenth (14th) (3 Presidents born on the 14th day of a month) – Eisenhower (October 14, 1890), Ford (July 14, 1913), Trump (June 14, 1946)

  • Twenty-seventh (27th) (3 Presidents born on the 27th day of a month) – Grant (April 27, 1822), Teddy Roosevelt (October 27, 1858), LB Johnson (August 27, 1908)

  • Second (2nd) (2 Presidents born on the 2nd day of a month) – Polk (November 2, 1795), Harding (November 2, 1865)

  • Fifth (5th) (2 Presidents born on the 5th day of a month) – Van Buren (December 5, 1782), Arthur (October 5, 1829)

  • Sixth (6th) (2 Presidents born on the 6th day of a month) – Reagan (February 6, 1911), George W Bush (July 6, 1946)

  • Ninth (9th) (2 Presidents born on the 9th day of a month) – WH Harrison (February 9, 1773), Nixon (January 9, 1913)

  • Twelfth (12th) (2 Presidents born on the 12th day of a month) – Lincoln (February 12, 1809), George HW Bush (June 12, 1924)

  • Fifteenth (15th) (2 Presidents born on the 15th day of a month) – Jackson (March 15, 1767), Taft (September 15, 1857))

  • Nineteenth (19th) (2 Presidents born on the 19th day of a month) – Garfield (November 19, 1831), Clinton (August 19, 1946)

  • Twenty-third (23rd) (2 Presidents born on the 23rd day of a month) – Buchanan (April 23, 1791), Pierce (November 23, 1804)

  • Twenty-Eighth (28th) (2 Presidents born on the 28th day of a month) – Monroe (April 28, 1758), Wilson (December 28, 1856)

  • Thirtieth (30th) (2 Presidents born on the 30th day of a month) – John Adams (October 30, 1735), FD Roosevelt (January 30, 1882)

Sidenote: No Presidents have been born on the third (3rd), seventeenth (17th), twenty-first (21st), twenty-fifth (25th), twenty-sixth (26th), or thirty-first (31st) day of a month. All the other days (7, 8, 10, 11, 13, 16, 18, 20, 22, 24, and 29) of the month have one President born on them.

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